Monday, April 19, 2010

My Steampunk Trinklets

I've been trying to make or update the little things that make up my outfit beside the clothes.
A good way to make these is to buy gears or broken pocket watches. Bronze/old gold paint might also help when painting items that are originally made of plastic, like for example goggles, guns etc.
I for one used a Maverick Nerf gun and painted it. The Nerf guns are pretty standard in the Steampunk world. The designs mix futuristic with old-fashioned. Like my nerf gun, it mixes revolver with something coming from the future.
You do have to know that these guns only come in bright colors like yellow and orange and a little bit of black. It's nessecary to paint these, otherwise you'll look like a foooool!
Make shure you have sandpaper, polysterene primer and paint (waterproof paint works best, you can also use acryllics, but do mind that this paint damages pretty quickly, so you'll have to repaint it quite often).
Make sure you take away all the logos with sandpaper to make it look more original (otherwise there will be a big screaming logo saying NERF)
Use the primer on every section of the gun (also underneath the sliding part, still have to do that myself xD)
Then when the primer is all dry (ALL DRY, not half dry!) apply your paint. Try to give every seperate part a different color for maximum effect.

Same goes for goggles. Any goggle is fine, as long as you give it the right paint-job. I used old-fashioned ski-goggles, removed the glasses and elastic band, painted it with primer, and repainted it with old bronze (mixing your bronze or gold with black gives it an old effect.)
For the glasses I used all kinds of old watch parts from broken pocket watches which I bought on the Internet for not too much money.

Anything you make is fine really, but make sure it blends with your outfit. Bronze and Gold work with brown and beige outfits and ofcourse Steampunk revolves a lot around these colors.
Just have fun with it and try to improve your skills by making random objects you might not use right away, but you might use them in the future when you change your outfit a bit.
I try not to use the same outfit every time, but change them a bit now and then, so people won't be like: "there he/she is again, wearing the same outfit as last time".

I made all these items myself, when using please link back.
Got any tips to add? Please comments, I might even try it myself :)


Dylan K.
Airship based Explorer 2nd Class

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